Blog - Peachtree City Physical Therapy - The Mobile Athlete

Hope is Not a Plan

Written by Dr. Shawn Daniel | Sep 21, 2023 1:09:24 PM

At the end of last school year, we started to notice that my oldest daughter was struggling a little bit with reading.  She is so good at so many things but she wasn’t picking up the skill of reading as fast as she needed to.  

We read with her at home and watched and waited to see if things would begin to “click.”  We hoped that she would come around.  But hoping, produced little results.  

So we made a plan. We got a recommendation for a tutor, paid the money, started taking her to weekly tutoring sessions and prioritizing the daily, 30 minutes of reading homework the tutor assigned.  

And you know what….she is learning to read very quickly. And learning to read well is positively impacting every aspect of her little life.  

Now, I could have continued to wait and hoped that she would just magically become a better reader.  

Or I could have exhausted all my non-existent free time with searching the internet for “best reading programs” and tried to piece something together myself.  

But you and I both know that wouldn’t have been a good plan.  And it wouldn't have gotten us to the reading level she needs to be fast enough. 

Instead, we made an intentional plan.  We found an expert, paid the money, and implemented their plan specific for my daughter.  We have condensed the time it would have taken to see her improve.  We have eliminated so much frustration and we are quickly seeing the rewards.  

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I see this same thought process every day with adults and their bodies. 

Just replace “struggling with reading” with “pain when reaching over head” or “tennis elbow” or “knees that just won’t stop hurting” or "I'm just not as strong as I used to be."

You can hope that those pains and injuries get better.  You can scour the internet for “knee exercises” or “quick fix for low back pain.”   You can try and seek help from a cheaper provider who doesn’t align with your goals.  

But you and I both know that just hoping that your pain and injuries will get better is a terrible plan.  

Wasting your free time trying to piece together your own rehab typically leads to confusion. And you are still in pain!

Work smarter not harder.  Make an intentional plan to get out of pain and move better for longer.  If you want to move well in your 90' have to start today. 

We should talk if you are looking for a movement expert that will get you out of pain fast and back to performing better than ever.  

Let us cut through the noise of internet movement “gurus” and create a customized plan for you.  

You will see the rewards quickly and moving better and stronger will positively impact every aspect of your life. 

Take the first step in your plan.  Contact us to set up a free 15 minute phone consultation with our team.  


Doc Shawn