Blog - Peachtree City Physical Therapy - The Mobile Athlete

5 Pillars of Health: Community (Pillar 5)

Written by Dr. Shawn Daniel | Feb 12, 2024 7:43:08 PM

Warning...this newsletter is short but has the potential to get a little sappy...cue the sentimental music! 

We have spent the last 5 weeks talking about the 5 Pillars of Health and today we are rounding things out with Pillar 5...Community.  

Let's remind ourselves what the 5 Pillars are.  

Pillar 1: Sleep - Sleep is your super power

Pillar 2: Nutrition  - Fuel your body with what makes you feel your best

Pillar 3: Movement - Movement is medicine

Pillar 4: Stress Management - Stress is the silent killer

Pillar 5: Community - Spoiler alert...this is my favorite pillar

Just yesterday, I got home from a little vacation with some of my best friends.  For the past several years we have been fortunate enough to plan some really fun vacations with our best friends.  If you don't have friends you can travel with, I'd highly recommend finding some.  

All week I was able to reflect on why it is so important to find a community that is life giving to you.  The older I have gotten, the more I make it a priority to schedule fun within our community.  I wish I could be more spontaneous, but my season of life doesn't jive well with spontaneity so if I want to have fun or spend time with my community, I have to schedule it. 

To be honest, I am that annoying person in the group chat always suggesting a new vacation spot or travel idea.  

In our highly individualistic society we often forget that we are designed to be around other humans. We have our home, we have our work but we all need a third place.

Your third place could be a church, gym, sport or club that you're involved with. This is a place where you get to connect with other like minded people and you get a ton of positive emotional health from this.

A healthy life is enjoyed better with others. If you don't have a third place, this can make a huge difference in stress management.

We would not be where we are without  the amazing community surrounding The Mobile Athlete!  Our community has encouraged us every step of our journey and even contributed some sweat equity as well.  

There is a song by Drew Holcomb and the neighbors called "Find Your People" and I want to leave you with a few words:

You gotta find your people

The ones that make you feel alright

The kind you want to stay up with all night

You got to find your people 

The ones make you feel whole

That won't leave your side when you lose control

The ones that don't let you lose your soul

Who are your people? What does your life giving community look like? How can you make more margin in your life for your community?

SO THERE YOU HAVE IT...Over the last 5 weeks we have covered 5 steps to dramatically improve your health and help recover from injuries. If you've made it this far, I want to thank you for your time. The average attention span of an adult is about 7 seconds. This probably took you 3 minutes to read through. That means you've given me 25 times more time than the average thing you might see.

At The Mobile Athlete we help active adults get back to what they love, pain-free for life. We do this by working with you on improving your health in the 5 areas discussed. The reality is, we can't be your hero. BUT...we CAN be your guide and help you learn how to become the hero of your own health.

If you're ready to finally take care of that frustrating injury you've been ignoring for months, let's talk. If you're looking for a more personalized and proactive approach to long term health, let's have a chat.

The average time your primary care physician typically spends with you is 7 minutes. We'll spend more than twice that much time with you on the phone, no strings attached. If you're not an absolute ideal fit for what we do, we'll help connect you with the medical professional who is.  Set up a free call, today!

I hope to speak with you soon!

Dr. Shawn